Scholarship by the KFC Colonel's Scholars Program 2012

The Scholarship offered by the KFC Colonel's Scholars Program provides funding for:

-Room and Board

Awards can be up to $5,000 per year. The scholar could receive up to $20,000 over four years to help complete a bachelor's degree.


To be eligible to compete for the KFC Colonel's Scholars Scholarship, an individual must:

-Graduate from high school this academic year (between 12/1/11 and 8/31/12)
-Earn a minimum cumulative high school GPA of 2.75
-Plan to pursue a bachelor's degree at a public, in-state college or university (start date no later than 9/30/12)
-Be a US citizen or permanent resident
-Demonstrate financial need

Scholars may begin their college career by entering into either a 2-or 4-year accredited in-state college/university, as long as they stay on track to complete a bachelor's degree program.

Scholarship Timeline

-Application process opens the first day of December
-Application process closes the middle of February
-Semifinalists are asked to provide additional documentation in March
-Selected scholars are notified in May

Selection Process

Completing the online application is the first step. NOTE: The 2012 application process opens on December 1, 2011. Visit to apply. After February 8, 2012, all submitted applications will be reviewed and semifinalists selected. Semifinalists will be asked to provide additional documentation in March 2012. After the semifinalist information is received, an independent selection committee will meet to select the KFC Colonel's Scholars.

Scholar Support

The KFC Colonel's Scholars Program has on-site staff to support the program. To contact staff, send an email to

In addition to the Program's staff, KFC Colonel's Scholar may be matched with a volunteer mentor.

Mentors include:

KFC Franchisees
KFC Employees
Other members of the KFC Family

Scholarship Source: